
A very happy Camel

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sand Storms and Yacht Parties...none of which are mentioned here.

I woke up this morning to a sweet text message from my sister that contained an adorable picture of my Nephew holding his Grandpa’s hand as they walked up the street. They seem to be engaged in a lively conversation. I replied to the message and picture that “I love it” and my Sister quickly texted “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” To which I said “Yes. But it was worth it.”

The time difference is kind of a trip. My family, friends and I have to schedule FaceTime dates as I am 10 hours ahead of Los Angeles. Last night at 8pm my time I was having a lovely FT chat with my Mom and while I was getting ready to turn in for the night (hey I have been sick with a chest cold…) she was getting ready to head out for the day. Around 7:30 this morning I had a FT conversation with one of my closest friends back home and she was in bed getting ready for sleep and I was getting ready to put the kettle on for some coffee (yes I am still drinking the instant stuff…but it’s really not that bad…don’t judge me). As we were getting ready to say goodbye we signed off with what I am hoping will become a tradition “Goodbye tomorrow” I said. “Goodbye yesterday” said she.

In my last post two weeks ago I was terribly homesick and in need of a hug. To my great comfort, several of my new friends here in Kuwait immediately sought to remedy the situation. I have now been nicely hugged up and the homesickness has subsided somewhat thanks to some really amazing people and my FaceTime and Skype chats with folks back home. Facebook has also become a lifesaver. I am able to keep in touch with people and see what shenanigans they are getting up to as well. The hard part comes in when you really discover that life goes on without you and while you are busy having all sorts of new adventures, people you love are having a tough go of things. To the people I have the honor of loving the most that are currently going through tough times: I wish I could be there to hug you or hold your hand. It is hard not being there in person but please know that I am thinking of you always and I love you.  I used to scoff at the expression “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” as I was narrow-mindedly applying it to romance but I know now that it is very true. For the loved ones in your heart, absence makes you appreciate what you have all the more. There really is an invisible cord binding us all together across land and sea. I am truly blessed.

Since my last post, I have had two more weeks of teaching. It has been challenging to say the least. In my class sit 25 boys with ages ranging from 5 to 7. All of them are ESL students who not only have 4 lessons in English daily but they also have Arabic daily and then rotating courses on Islam, Life Skills, Computer and P. E. It is a long day and while they are fairly well behaved in the mornings, by mid-day they are more than a bit squirrely. The program is also very demanding as it is a college preparatory school and students must be doing grade level work or they do not get to continue at the school. I have my hands full to be sure but most of the boys are quite articulate and bright and simply put I have fallen for all of them. They may not know it as I spend so much time being a drill sergeant rather than a teacher at the moment but it is very tough to look into all of those round little sweet faces (even the not so sweet ones) and not want to just scoop them up into a hug. Fortunately for me, I had very good training with my extremely adorable nephew who is also a handful. Now instead of being tired after one afternoon with him, I am exhausted after a day with 25 of them.

In spite of all the raising my voice and disciplining I have had to do, I have also managed to get several art projects done, teach them the Apples and Bananas song, read one of my favorite books from my childhood The King’s Choice, have them draw book reports, and share more than a few laughs. All of that squeezed into a full curriculum, math pre-assessments, and a very informative Open House night for the parents! Suffice it to say the parents didn’t let me off easy and I was much happier to be back in a room full of my 1st graders than in a room full of adults. One of my best resources has turned out to be Pinterest where I have found so many great classroom ideas and blogs by 1st grade teachers.

The only down side to my third week of teaching was getting a pretty bad chest cold. The up side is that here in Kuwait the pharmacies are really wonderful and you can get antibiotics without a prescription. Now before any of my concerned friends say (as they already have done on Facebook) that antibiotics should not be used unless it is an infection as they are not effective in treating viruses and prolonged use of antibiotics blah blah blah (no disrespect…I love you all, thanks for the information and concern)…I happen to know it was an infection as unfortunately I have had a lifetime of experience with illness and I do not take antibiotics lightly. In fact I try not to take them at all. However in this instance they have worked the way they should and after a day in bed yesterday (and probably another one today) I will be right as rain and ready for my little darlings tomorrow morning.

Now I must be off to do a massive amount of lesson planning etc. but before I go here is a list (which I am sure I will add to) of things I love about Kuwait and things I miss from back home (care package ideas for the family).


Mango juice, mango ice cream, mango tea, dried mango, mango mango mango!

Spice Aisles, Spice Souqs, spices spices spices!


Tax free everything

Long skirts, Long tunics, Fabric!

Lebanese Food, Thai Food, Food Food Food

You can get almost everything delivered


Yachting on the Gulf

Dates (the kind that grow on trees)

Shawarma (back to food)
Food markets and the selection of cheeses!
Tea, Tea, and more TEA!!!!!

The new friends I have made. (Anyone who is willing to uproot their life to take on a new job in a foreign country is all right by me. It is not for everyone...only really amazing and adventurous people need apply. So um, you, the amazing and adventurous person reading this from the comfortable spot on your sofa...what are you waiting for? Get out there!)

Miss from home

My family and friends (obviously)

My room (especially my bed)

The Weather (even though lately L.A. has been trying to mimic Kuwait)

The beach

Peet’s Coffee and Tea

Dates (going on them with good looking men…in public…and being able to kiss someone you like a lot…outside…in public. Disclaimer here: I am not a fan of extreme Public Displays of Affection. I find it a tad disturbing. But there is something wonderful about seeing people who really like one another exchange a kiss or hug here or there. It is even better to know you won’t be arrested for doing so. Guess you can’t send this one in a care package Mom. So far all I’ve given you is Peet’s.)

Target (seriously…even with all of the shopping here…I miss Target)

Sitting outside at Le Pan Quotidian with my folks on Larchmont and watching the dog and baby show, there are Le Pan’s here but they are inside malls.


Wine, Cocktails (there have been a few days here where a margarita after work would have been helpful)

Trader Joe’s

Farmer’s Markets

A reliable Internet connection

Going to the movies (where the film hasn’t been edited. I can do without the graphic love scenes but this topic brings me back to kissing…sigh... ew, I must be lonely!)

My iPhone and being able to just call people whenever. Now my iPhone is a fancy wireless device, camera and iPod (I’m not complaining though…it is still way better than the little prepaid “smart” phone I bought here that uses up minutes like they are going out of style)

So there you go Mom…send the Peet’s.  Oh and bacon! (Wait...that might not be legal...let me look into that one) Oh and maybe a box or two of Quinoa from TJ’s. I haven’t found it here yet. Of course that might change tomorrow. We’ll discuss on FaceTime J

That’s all I can think of for now. I need to get going on my lesson plans. More updates to come.

Ma’ Salaam

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy everything you write my sweet, adventurous, brave, creative, interesting, huggable, Niece. You will feel better if you rest today!
